Thursday, November 29, 2012

Phenomenal P4 & Its Consequences

How do you know your progesterone level is phenomenal? Your body decides to mutate a ginormous zit smack dab in between your eye brows. We're not talking a little white head. No, we're talking one of those giant, red hard bumps under the surface that wants to hibernate. This thing is so big I feel like it deserves a name. Me and Cyrus the cyclops have formed a tight bond however I'm really hoping he decides to disappear soon. So instead of just dealing with the cramps, sore boobs, and managing a dairy farm, you now have another life form living on your face that you have to tend to. Ah, the joys of progesterone.  

I kind of expected my number to be high with all the side effects I was feeling, but never have I had a number this high. My RE's office called and I asked her to repeat the number a couple of times before it actually sunk in that my level was at 55.8! The highest I've had so far was 27 and now it's more than doubled my previous best. There is no way that your P4 level can predict pregnancy but it definitely gives me a good chance at having released more than one egg. Now let's just hope that one of those boys was able to find it and I'll have even better news to report in a couple of days.

Being the trigger queen that I am, I have been testing out the trigger. I tested again yesterday at 8 DPO (or 10 days past trigger) and the line is there but super faint. Fought off the urge this morning and will be testing again tomorrow. Here's to hoping that the line is getting darker by tomorrow! 


  1. I wish you well. LOL about all of the progesterone things. It makes me break out like crazy, too.

  2. Oh snap! That definitely sounds like more than one egg was released. I've never heard a p4 that high....definitely not a bad sign that's for sure! KMFX for you and hope to see a happy update this cycle. Sounds like you've got a damn good chance!

  3. wow!!! So sorry about the zip, but AWESOME on the p4! I'm keeping everything crossed for you, toes, toes, fingers, arms, all of it that the lines get darker and darker!

  4. Eagerly waiting for an update and hoping that zit was worth it!
