Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Beta #2 - The Human Pin Cushion

One simple blood draw was all I needed today. I've been plenty hydrated as I've been drinking nothing but water or milk for the past four days (OK, maybe one coffee).  I get to my appointment five minutes early as I know I need the hot pack for my hand to get my lovely recessed veins to pop. I get called back and two tries on my right hand have proven unsucessful. We know my arms are crap but we take a look anyway. Nope, nothing going there. They decide to try my left hand which is the hand I've never had blood drawn from for the specific reason of needing my beta done eventually. The first girl cannot get a drop of blood to come up through the vein.  The next girl tries and she strikes out also.  Finally, the receptionist (she used to draw blood at her old job) was successful after 40 minutes of me being there getting poked, prodded and jabbed with needles to get enough blood to fill a tiny bit of the vial. Here's to hoping it's a much easier time than the ordeal I went through today.

Now for the good news: I just received the call and the results are in. My beta went up to 212 from 86 which is a doubling rate of 36.88 hours. This is right in line for how far along I am today (4w 1d or 15 dpo).  While those numbers are great, the better news is that my P4 went from 9 up to 19 and once again, I am right where it should be.  I cannot even begin to describe the agony I have been going through waiting for these results. I honestly can say that it has not sunk in that I am pregnant and I am going to become a mother. So many years of tears, heartache and disappointment that I still can't get a grasp of my new reality. There are no more what if's...there is only when.


  1. So glad that beta 2 came back with great news! Hooray and Congrats! Bet you are beyond thrilled. We are going through IVF right now and I am hoping I get to experience that same feeling in a few weeks!


  2. Congrats on the rising betas and P4!!

  3. Congrats! Just in time for the holidays.

  4. Yay! So glad to hear! Merry Christmas to you and your hubby!!!!

  5. So sorrya bout the pain of getting tested, but awesome that everything is going PERFECT! Yay!

  6. So happy for your betas! Are you getting another draw, or is the dr pleased?

    1. Still have another draw tomorrow and possibly another one on Monday :( I am going to look like a freakin' crack/heroin abused whore by the time these damn betas are over! Really hoping tomorrow's number is high enough that they let me slide until my u/s at the end of next week.

  7. So excited about the good numbers for you, but I feel bad for you with the poking and prodding. I'm the patient with the shit veins, too, and I know how it feels to sit there with everyone like, "Where are your damn veins?" As if we can make more on the spot or something. They have been taking it from my wrists, which bruise easily, so I know what you mean about looking like an addict. My RE had me do betas and progesterone draws for the first two weeks, so I had to find a chunky bracelet to wear to a formal event so I wouldn't look like I had been either shooting up in my wrists or had been abused. I hope your next experience is better than this one as far as the poking goes!!

  8. Just wanted to say congratulations! I found your blog from the August 2013 Birth Club on BabyCenter and thought I would come say hi!

  9. Congrats!!!! stick little bean!!!!!!!
