Saturday, July 14, 2012

Facebook Ban is On!

Don't get me wrong. I love my Facebook but after the past couple of weeks, I can't take it anymore. In one week I have seen over 5 pregnancy announcements. Sure, I'm happy for them, but after just having my CP, it's the last thing I need to see. I don't need a constant reminder of my bean not sticking while all of these other girls have achieved what I've been trying for years.  I know that a couple of them were only after a couple of months of TTC. No meds, no blood draws once a week, no vaginal ultrasounds, no nothing. 

I am tired of being violated by my RE, spreading my legs week after week for NOTHING! I'm tired of being a human pin cushion. I'm tired of taking over 5 pills a day. I'm tired of waking up at 6 am every freakin' day for the past year to take my damn temp. I'm tired of getting all up in there scavenging for cervical mucus every time I have to pee or take a crap. I'm tired of shoving this greasy, little progesterone suppository up in the vaginal abyss before I go to bed. It's slippery and half the size of a regular OB tampon with no applicator. You think you can get it all the way up there near your cervix but once you get it in, it slips out of your fingers and disappears into the black whole of my vagina. Nothing says sexy like oozing, white, oily shit all day and wearing a panty liner constantly. Yup, that's my life, week after week, month after month. 

People have no idea what hell we go through day after day. I go to grocery store, there's a pregnant lady. I go to mall, yeah right! No mall for me during the summer. I don't need a constant reminder of all these women who can pop out kids like their vagina is a human Pez dispenser.  I don't want to sound too cynical as there are honestly some people who I am truly happy for. I have a friend who is 5 months pregnant and just found out she's having a girl. They were trying for a long time before it happened. Another friend is trying for her first and I truly wish them the best of luck. How awesome would it be to have possibly 3 little friends grow up together?  You two know who you are and I am beyond thrilled for both of you.  All of you others,  F-off and let me get knocked up first before you have to spit out another one!


  1. Human Pez I can so relate to this post.

  2. Augh - I can relate. I ended up unsunscribing from all my pregnant (but not super close) FB "friends" months back. Last year I had 29 friends/family who had a baby or became pregnant. It was/is awful. Dildocams are the worst! I just had 3 in the past 4 days!
